Hawksmoor by Mike Costa

I know a lot of you didn’t read “Secret History of the Authority: Hawksmoor” and that’s a shame. One, because it’s a really cool book with awesome artwork by Fiona Staples, but also because it’s written by my friend (and soon to be yours), Mike Costa.

Who is Mike Costa and why should I care?
That’s a question I ask myself over and over again. Luckily, Mike texts and IMs me with the answers all the time.
Here’s the spoilers: Mike is a comic fan with an encyclopedic knowledge of every comic universe, everything from the 616 and the DCU, to the Wildstorm U and (I suspect) the ArchieVerse. He wears awesome sport jackets. He might be seen with a writerly beard, but isn’t afraid of rocking the ’stash.
He also happens to be a rising comic star who proved his mettle by putting on the shoes of Warren Ellis and writing a Hawksmoor 6 issue mini…y’know, for his first comic.

Mike’s been awesome enough to provide us with his script for Hawksmoor #5– which is very gentlemanly of him, but Mike, being the gracious chap (and remember: friend of yours) that he is, he’s also providing you with his original proposal for the Hawksmoor series.

Proposals are one of those weird things that everyone seems to have questions about. Down the road I’ll address it in a column, but for now, kick back and enjoy Mike’s Hawksmoor proposal and read his original vision for the story.
After that, pick up the issues– hotlinked with each cover below. Normally, I’d link to a trade, but y’know, there isn’t one. So seriously, pick them up and support Mike and Wildstorm if you can.  It’s a great book and you won’t be disappointed. You don’t need any previous Wildstorm reading experience to “get” the book. It’s just a solid read. Enjoy!

Secret History of the Authority: Hawksmoor – Proposal

Secret History of the Authority: Hawksmoor Issue #5

Pick ‘em up:
Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 6

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